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I Rank Number One For My Name

When conducting a vanity search today for my own name, I discovered that I have finally hit the top spot on Google. I think I’ve hit the # 1 spot on Yahoo! in the past – maybe even MSN. But really, who cares about them? Google has the vast majority of search market share so any good ranking with them is a big deal.

I’m a First Time Grandpa!

It’s a boy! Yesterday at about 2:12 pm, Irma and myself became first time grandparents as our daughter gave birth to a healthy baby boy. His name is Andrew Joseph Ruguone, named after his father, uncle and great grandfather. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 5 ounces and is 21 inches long. Baby Andrew is perfectly healthy and gorgeous.

Taking Next Week Off – What Will I Do?

All client work is finished for the year so we are taking next week off. What will I do with myself? While it would be nice to get out of town, that is next to impossible as my daughter is due to give birth to our first grandson any day now. One thing is for sure – I will try to stay away from the computer.

Happy Thanksgiving – What I am Thankful For This Year

Just wanted to wish everyone in the United States a Happy Thanksgiving. Before family and friends arrive later for feasting and football, I want to reflect on what I am thankful for this year. I am thankful for the following…

Kids Want Everything Their Parents Have – Now!

Kids Want Everything Their Parents Have – Now!

I don’t always understand the logic of today’s youth. They get out on their own, out from underneath mom and dad’s wings and they feel they have to have everything their parents have right away. A new car, fancy apartment, buying stuff on eBay, going out to eat all the time… the list goes on.

My Pool Maintenance Guy Is Awesome

After spending countless weekends brushing and sweeping my parent’s pool as a young child, I vowed to never own a swimming pool myself. They are just too much work. That changed a few years ago when we put in a pool. What changed in my thinking? Unlike the pool of my youth, this one was self-cleaning and self chlorinating. In other words, it is virtually maintenance free… well almost.

I Hate HOAs

I Hate HOAs

There are some benefits to belonging to an HOA (Home Owner’s Association) but often the benefits are overshadowed but the negative aspects of HOAs wielding too much control over homeowners. I live in Anthem, Arizona, one of the best planned master communities in the country and a wonderful place to live I might add, however with one of the strictest HOAs you will ever run across.

The Brevity of Life

You just never know when your number is going to come up. We as humans can endure so many trials, hardships, sickness, and the like, however sometimes what seems like nothing can take us out. A blow to the head, choking on a small object, a simple sickness that turns fatal, or as in Cecil Pugh’s case, a stray bullet.

Allow Myself To Introduce Myself

I’ve owned the domain since 1999 but have never done anything with it… until now that is. So often have I wanted to write on topics outside the scope of search marketing but have been limited in doing so as I did not want to take my company blog and use it for unrelated topic matters. Today I have launched a personal blog in which I can write on any subject I desire.