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Sold: Marshall AVT 275 2×12 Combo Guitar Amplifier

I recently purchased a Vox Custom Classic AC15CC1 Guitar Amp so the Marshall Guitar Amp I’ve been using for the last several years has to go. Because I’m running POD XT Live effects, I no longer need the four channels as well as all the effects that the Marshall amplifier offers. So she’s up for sale.

If you are looking for a 150 watt Marshall Combo amp, this is your chance to get one at about two-thirds of what you’d pay for it brand new.

San Francisco / Bay Area in Two Days

Irma and myself have made it an annual event to visit San Francisco and the Bay Area annually in conjunction with Search Marketing Expo and Search Engine Strategies conferences that are held in the San Jose area.

Typically we take 3-4 days after the conference and head up the 101 to San Francisco as well as wine Napa and/or Sonoma Counties. Most recently, we decided to hit do the “vacation” portion of our trip first and limited it to just two days.

I’m a Grandpa For the Second Time!

I’m about a week late getting this up but wanted to make the announcement that my youngest daughter, Leah gave birth to our second grandchild last Thursday at 12:58 in the morning. Her name is Jadyn Nicole and she weighed in at 8 lbs, 7 ounces and was 21 inches long at birth. She is completely healthy and gorgeous (just like her mamma).

HCG Diet – Calorie Counter

Here is a breakdown of the approximate calories of each food allowed during the HCG diet. As a refresher, HCG, short for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is a hormone found in pregnant women that when taken allows a person to survive on a low calorie diet (500 calories a day) and in which case they are able to lose on average about a pound or two a day, all while maintaining a healthy physique and not experiencing the usual hunger pains that accompany many diets.

HCG Diet – Phase Two

I recently lost 40 pounds in 40 days using Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) and a very low calorie diet. While that is phenomenal weight loss, I still need to lose about 20 pounds to get to my goal weight of 190 pounds. So, after approximately 6 weeks after being off the first round of HCG, I am now starting the second phase.

How I Lost 40 Pounds in 40 Days – The HCG Diet

The last few weeks have been quite a journey for me. A little over 40 days ago, I weighed in at a whopping 247 pounds. That’s about 50 pounds more than I should weigh and is for the most part the result of eleven plus years of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Today as I write this post, I weigh 210 pounds. How did I lose so much weight in such little time?

Arizona Public Service (APS) – You Suck!

I am always afraid to open my electric bill in the summer. It is typical to have electric bills in the $500 range but this month’s bill of shocked me a bit. I’m not going to disclose the exact amount but let’s just say that in my seven years at my current residence, I have never seen a bill this high.

Bye Bye Kitty – We Will Miss You

I knew the sad day would come and now it has. We have given up our “Kitty” whom we took in as a kitten and have had as our feline pet for some 8 years now.

Baby Andy Professional Portraits

Seeing that our first grandson has hit the ripe age of 6 months old, we decided to finally get some professional portraits done. It was quite an interesting task, waiting for the two screaming and very unhappy babies that were before us, as well as getting Andy to smile at the photographer he did not know.

Baby Andy on Easter

It’s hard to believe that our new grandson, Andy is almost three months old. During the first eight weeks, it didn’t seem like their was much change. Now, it is obvious he is getting bigger and smarter. He laughs regularly, tries to put together words (I could swear he says “ma ma” often), has pretty good control over his neck movements, and recognizes the people that are involved in his life.