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I’ve owned the domain since 1999 but have never done anything with it… until now that is. So often have I wanted to write on topics outside the scope of search marketing but have been limited in doing so as I did not want to take my company blog and use it for unrelated topic matters. Today I have launched a personal blog in which I can write on any subject I desire.

I thought I’d take this first post and disclose a little information about myself. Although many people in the online world know me as David Wallace, the search marketer, that does not truly define who I am as a person. Search marketing is my current occupation which I enjoy immensely. However as an individual, I have to define myself as a Christian first and foremost. I am then a husband to my lovely wife, Irma and finally a father to three wonderful children. After these most important things, I am a search marketer.


In 1988 I became a Christian right around my 21st birthday. God saved me from the destructive lifestyle that I was leading at the time. Best of all I was given the ability to have a personal relationship with my Creator. Therefore I am more than anything a follower of Christ. No matter what else I do in life, this aspect of my character affects every decision I make and every path I take.


A few years after I gave my life over to Christ, I met Irma who would become my wife a little over a year later. Not only did I gain a best friend and partner for life, I instantly gained three wonderful children as well. You see, Irma already had three children prior to me ever stepping into her world. Therefore, on my wedding day you could actually say that I married four people instead of just one. The children were just 5, 3 and 1 years of age when we married. This year we celebrated our 16th year of marriage. The kids are all grown now. Two are gone out on their own while the baby (18 years old) still remains.

The Birth of a Search Marketer

I got into search marketing in 1997 after starting a web development firm. In the beginning, we had a niche site called The Arizona Builders’ Zone in which we relied heavily on free search engine traffic as we had no money to market the site otherwise. After applying what little search marketing knowledge was available at the time to the site, we experienced success in obtaining great visibility in the natural search results of engines. The site quickly became a leader in its industry. Not long afterwards we decided to offer search marketing services to paying customers. SearchRank was born and the rest is history.

Other Interests and Passions

There are a lot of things I enjoy in life. I won’t bore you with all of them here but will highlight just a few.

I am a musician although not a professional one. I play both acoustic and electric guitars, electric bass but my strength is as a singer. I own a couple of Taylor Acoustic guitars, a Fender telecaster that has been tricked out by my guitar tech and a Ibanez electric bass. Oh, and I also own a Sure microphone (for vocals).

I love roller coasters. That passion was not awakened until I met my dear friend, Gary Kyriazi, who authored the book “The Great American Amusement Parks: A Pictorial History” and also currently writes for Park World Magazine. In light of this, we embark on a trip pretty much each year where we visit several theme parks and in doing so get to ride a variety of roller coaster but even more adventurous, get to meet many of the people behind the scenes that create all the magic. This of course means we are comped admission, given front of the line passes… in other words, given the media treatment. It therefore makes the sport of riding coasters all the better. To date, I have had the privilege of riding 120 individual roller coasters and the list keeps growing.

I am also a Disney nut, specifically when it comes to Disneyland, the theme park. I have been some eight times now and in fact have been able to make a trip to the park each year for the last four years. I am currently trying to find an excuse to go again this year.

What else can I say about myself? I love red wines, classic cars, Italian and Oriental food, a good cigar, Seinfeld and swimming. I think I’ll stop as I typically do not like talking this much about myself. If you become a regular reader of the blog, you’ll learn more about me than you’ll ever want to know anyway.


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